2025-01-17 14:46
以武谋“独”:seek independence by force
台湾当归,归来天地宽:Taiwan will Return and Have a Better Future
比如,2024年7月,国防部新闻发言人张晓刚大校在记者会上表示,几件美制武器成不了救命稻草,不过是战场上的“活靶子”而已。官方翻译为:Several pieces of US weaponry won’t be the magic straw that can save a drowning man; they are nothing but easy targets on the battlefields.
再比如,张晓刚大校曾在去年10月的记者会上正告民进党当局,“挟洋自重”没出路,官方翻译为:Soliciting foreign support is a dead end.
还有,一旦出手,必是重锤猛击:Once the PLA takes action, everyone should be assured that it would be resolute and fierce.
蚍蜉撼树、不堪一击:Will be crushed by the PLA.
Question: According to the “Taiwan Central News Agency”, Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region recently said that countries like China and Russia threaten the rule-based international order and undermine peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. Therefore, Taiwan needs to continue to raise “defense budget” and enhance “defense capabilities.” What’s your comment?
Wu Qian: Lai Ching-te and his kind have betrayed their ancestors and what he said was far away from the truth. International documents including the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation have confirmed that the Taiwan region should be returned to China. Such fact is an important part of the post-WWII international order. The victory and outcome of the WWII must be respected and safeguarded. There is no other status of the Taiwan region in the international law than being a part of China.
The Lai Ching-te administration, in collusion with foreign forces, has been making constant provocations for “Taiwan independence”. It is now the biggest source of chaos that undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and the Asia Pacific. We warn the Lai Ching-te administration and separatists for “Taiwan independence” that any attempt to seek independence by force is just like holding back the tide with a broom, and will eventually lead to self-destruction. Those seeking “Taiwan independence” will never have a good end. The PLA will spare no effort to fight separatism and promote national reunification. We have full confidence that the Taiwan region will return to the motherland and will have a better future after its return.